Meet Lorne

Well, I was born and bred (though my Canadian-born wife sometimes tells me I have no breeding!) on the Atlantic seaboard in Cape Town, South Africa. Left the city and corporate world to follow my dream to work and live in the bush. Guided safaris as a game ranger for about seven years, mostly in South Africa’s Greater Kruger National Park, and later in KwaZulu-Natal and Botswana. Then moved with my wife to Colorado, USA for seven years, to continue my motivation and training path with my Bushveld Lessons business. ‘Missed the bush and Africa too much so returned (with my wife and our then 2-year old first child) to South Africa in 2003. Now full circle – back in Cape Town– living in the beautiful Deep South. I travel quite a bit to speak, and love coming home! I’m also still in the bush a lot; one of my favorite places being Tanzania where I still guide a safari every year to the Serengeti to see the Great Migration.
What kind of kid were you?
Very involved in sport and extra-murals; hated the academic side of high school – was frequently called into the headmaster’s office to be told I’m “not reaching my academic potential.” Always loved being outside; playing with insects and arachnids (much to my Mother’s horror, when for example, the egg sac of a Black Widow spider I was ‘raising’ hatched out about five thousand live babies – inside a kitchen cupboard at home!). Ironically I didn’t have any real exposure to the bush till much later – then the bug bit (good pun, huh?!) and it became a huge passion when I was at University.
Who is your celebrity crush?
You mean besides my wife? (Good answer, huh?!)
Mmmm…hadn’t really thought about it… I should probably pick someone age appropriate, shouldn’t I?!…
Ok then: any of Sandra Bullock, Cameron Diaz or Michelle Pfiefer (I’m dating myself here, aren’t I?! 🙂 ).
What do you like to watch on TV or online?
Sport. And did I say sport? I’m a huge sports fan – ‘love learning about what it takes to win and succeed.
Some NatGeo. Really good movies and with my kids programmes like ‘The Amazing Race’ that have great lessons about goals, perseverance, character and relationships. But we purposely have no DSTV or cable at home ‘cos after years in the bush I learned the joy of picking up a good ‘ole book and I want my kids to know how great that still is. Actually these days they’re picking up a ‘not so ‘ole’ Kindle… My not so subtle tactic’s definitely working though: both our kids are huge readers and I’m excited for them about that. I personally also watch and read whatever else I can that helps me become a better speaker and human being: around current, business or environmental issues and trends; anything to do with success and excellence; other inspirational speakers, entertainers and performers.
How did you get started as a speaker?
Towards the end of my six years as a game ranger and safari guide in South Africa’s Kruger National Park area, one of my guests was a visiting CEO of a prominent US management consultancy. He invited me to speak at a conference in the US on my content I was busy developing about the corporate similarities to the ways in which African wildlife have continued for millennia to be resilient to change, survive competition, exemplify leadership and function as High Performing Teams. Then later when I moved to the USA, I started finding lots of other organisations I could help with my message.
How long have you been doing this?
I’ve been in front of audiences as a leadership and teambuilding trainer and facilitator since the late 80’s. First keynote in ’93. Really started as a ‘real’ speaker in ’96.
So you’re obviously a real pro. Can you say: ‘Peter Piper Picked a Pickled Pepper’ and cross-sell a washing machine at the same time?
No, washing machine has too many syllables…! Hahaha…(I can definitely do it with ‘fridge’ though!)
What do you like most about professional speaking?
Seeing people helped and moved by your message.
And always being able to learn something new about one’s own, others’ and teams’ success, challenges and performance.
What do you like least about it?
Fortunately as soon as someone sees my presentation in person, it’s a ‘no-brainer:’ they ‘get’ the impact and value straight away, and that thankfully leads to many engagements and referrals. But I never feel like describing what I do and speak about to someone who hasn’t actually seen my presentation, ever really ‘cuts’ it. I hate having to ‘blow my own horn.’
Okay, so please blow your own horn here… three achievements you’re proud of that help your speaking business?
- So in other words I have to brag, right?! Okay, well I’ve managed to win many local and international awards and competitions, which definitely helps with one’s credibility as a ‘stand out’/true expert. As a speaker, I’m a two-time Division Champion in the Southern Africa region of the Toastmasters International Speech and Evaluation Competition. For my wildlife photography, I’ve won multiple categories in the prestigious Fuji/Getaway Wildlife Photography competitions in South Africa and have been a semi-finalist in the international BBC Veolia Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition.
- I also have two Associateship Honours awards from the Photographic Society of Southern Africa for my wildlife photography, and in a very competitive market my photos and writing have been published in books, magazines and calendars in South Africa, USA and Europe. In my Thriving in a Wild World keynote, the photos -and that they’re my own- adds huge impact.
- In 2007 I started a greeting card company using my own wildlife photographs to create a humourous range of greeting cards, that still today continues to sell extremely well throughout Southern and parts of East Africa, and in a few outlets in Europe. Like any successful endeavour, it’s taken hard work. But it’s a great business, a great teacher and a lot of fun…!
And your biggest accomplishment?
Convincing my wife that I’m “The One,” being married for over 20 years, and surviving the first 14 years of parenthood.
What song(s) best describes your work ethic?
It’s been a hard days night (and I’ve been working like a dog) – The Beatles 🙂
If you could go back in time, what would you do differently?
Maybe not have done my post-Grad at UCT and instead start working sooner in my passion with wildlife. I definitely would’ve started speaking professionally and authoring much earlier. And much more surfing (my wife tells me I’m a much nicer person when I’m surfing!).
Who are your heroes?
People who invest themselves in others, and people who have the courage and work ethic to succeed despite all odds and failure. And then of course, John Cleese. 🙂
What weird or wonderful things do very few people know about you?
- I’m addicted to chocolate
- My wife and daughter tease me ‘cos of my taste in music. I love classical (Beethoven, Brahms, Mendelsohn, etc.) and what they repeatedly (and I think rather unfairly) call ‘groovy’ (Sting, Queen, Bryan Ferry, Pink Floyd).
- I have a Bachelors Degree in Architecture (would you believe it!!) and a Post-Grad in the Social and Behavioural Sciences from the University of Cape Town.
- I was a serious sportsman in my long-past youth, notably tennis and squash (provincial colours for several years).
- I don’t really ‘do’ desserts. (But I do have to have some chocolate with rooibos tea every night after dinner!).
Other than your speaking, what are you excited about?
Chocolate, my awesome wife and two kids, (listed in no particular order, of course!!), laughter, being in the bush, my kids’ successes and failures, great friends, and the first of my books being published this year!!!
What do you do in your spare time?
Answer interview questions like this…! No seriously, spare time: what’s that…?!
Do you do any volunteer work?
Well, I’m a parent. Does that count?!! 🙂
I do believe we have to give back in life. And that we also have to be an example for our kids, of serving and giving back. I’ve served on zillions of committees and organizations. ‘Been involved on the leadership side of the Toastmasters organisation for several years. I’ve been coaching tennis at my kids’ school and helping out on the weekends on the beach with Nippers (surf lifesaving) training since my first child started seven years ago, although admittedly less so recently as my speaking business -and my work travel- has increased. But I figure the parenting thing offsets that, doesn’t it?! I also mentor and coach other inspirational speakers, which is always a lot of fun and hugely rewarding.
Jeff Bezos gives you a million dollars to launch your best entrepreneurial idea. What is it?
Making recycling into a sustainable, profitable business.
If we came to your house for dinner, what would you prepare for us?
The reality is that my wife is such an amazing cook and baker that it’d make a whole lot more sense -and be much better taste-wise for you!- for her to be doing most of the cooking for you. However if it were me, I love to braai (South African for ‘barbecue’). Always happy to get a fire going -a real fire: with real wood… You’d have to tolerate though the somewhat labour intensive ritual I started years ago (to teach my kids) of making a fire from scratch/without firelighters…
So how do you make a tuna sandwich?
First you have to catch the tuna 🙂 !!
Then ‘mandatory to have chopped up sweet and sour pickled cucumbers mixed in and maybe even capers. A tiny bit of wasabe really rounds it off nicely.
What’s your favourite quote? And why?
Never tell me the sky’s the limit when there are footprints on the moon. – Unknown. We are limited only by our own thoughts and imagination.
My partner and I are going on vacation, where would you recommend?
For ideal setting, a safari in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Nothing like it anywhere else in Africa. Or the world, for that matter. Nambia is an amazing country, and it’s Etosha National Park is one of my favorites on the continent. But for a truly once-in-a-lifetime experience, seeing the Great Migration on the plains of the Serengeti/Maasai Mara ecosystems in East Africa is hard to match – an indescribable phenomenon! I mentioned I still guide at least one safari a year there, and it’s absolutely mind-blowing every time.
How hard do you push yourself?
Very hard. Especially on the workfront. Also as a parent and husband. (I wonder if my wife would argue differently…?!). I do take time off though (not from the latter, of course…! In fact, I’m actually going for Husband of the Year this year!).
When are you completely satisfied with your work?
Never. There’s always something one can work on -to stretch, get better and improve- to add value.
Why have you succeeded in a field where so many others have failed?
Perseverence and commitment to constant improvement.
How has South Africa changed in the last ten years?
Positively: growth of colour-blindness. Negatively: the progressively weak currency.
How have you changed?
I’m even more focused. Oh, and my bald spot has increased slightly in surface area. And, though I’ll never admit it to my wife, my beard’s a little greyer too… (Interestingly she doesn’t seem to notice either…!)
And finally, what’s the magic formula for success?
Dream. Big. Then go and put in the work to make it happen. 🙂 🙂
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Legacy of Light – A film honouring Cantor Abraham Immerman
Where Lorne Frequently Speaks
United States and Canada
Atlanta GA; Greater Atlanta Area; Los Angeles SC; San Diego CA; San Francisco CA; Denver CO; Washington DC; Miami FL; Tampa, FL; Chicago IL; Detroit MI; Las Vegas NV; New York NY; Philadelphia PA; Phoenix, AZ; Dallas TX; Houston TX; Seattle WA; Vancouver BC; Toronto ON; Edmonton AB
Europe and the UK
Paris, France; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Munich, Germany; Frankfurt, Germany; Oslo, Norway; Stockholm, Sweden; London, England; Edinburgh, Scotland; Dublin, Ireland; Belfast, Ireland;
Africa and the Middle East
Cape Town, South Africa; Johannesburg, South Africa; Pretoria, South Africa; Durban, South Africa; Nairobi, Kenya; Lagos, Nigeria; Windhoek, Namibia; Dubai, UAE; Abu Dhabi, UAE
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Singapore; Hong Kong; Sydney, Australia; Melbourne, Australia: Auckland, New
Zealand; New Delhi, India; Mumbai, India
Tag: Inspirational Speaker, International Inspirational Speakers, Inspire, Inspirational Keynote Speakers, Inspirational Speakers, Inspirational Keynote, Inspirational Speaking
Lorne Sulcas - The Big Cat Guy