Interviews, Podcasts, Articles

Interview with CNN about Big Cat Behavior
A 5-year old boy was playing outside with his brother when a mountain lion attacked this boy near Aspen, Colorado. The Mother who saw this, ran outside and pulled the lion off her son. This lion was hunted down by authorities and killed. CNN called wild-life expert and Top Motivational Speaker Lorne Sulcas to gain more insight in this Big Cat behavior and why this happen. According to statistics, 20 fatal attacks have been reported since 1890 and 2011 of which 14 were children under the age of 14. This points to the propensity of these big cats to hone in on targets that are easy prey. Big cats will look for the young, the small or the weak. Out of these 14 fatal attacks, several have been on kids in the last few decades where no parents were present. This is an opportunistic attack by a big cat that is looking for an easy prey.
Link to this video: Mother pulls attacking mountain lion off her son
Lorne Sulcas Interview with CNN: Zookeeper killed by Tiger
Top Motivational Speaker Lorne Sulcas Interview with CNN: Stacey Konwiser, an experienced Zookeeper at the Palm Beach Zoo was killed by Hati, a 13-year old male Malayan tiger. Stacey was a lead keeper at the zoo and while preparing for an event, was attacked and mauled by this rare male Malayan tiger. Known as the Big Cat Guy and expert on animal behavior, CNN called Lorne Sulcas to report and big cat behavior in the hope to shed more light on these events.
“If we take into consideration that this tiger was a 13-year-old male and that the average longevity of a Malayan tiger is somewhere around 18 to 20 years, it is to be expected that it would be even a little longer when held in captivity. That means that this tiger was in its absolute prime. It’s an incredibly powerful animal. Massive, and pure muscle. Their instincts are encoded in their DNA over millions of years and they are supposed to be aggressive and dominant. This is imperative for their survival in the wild.” said Lorne Sulcas
Lorne Sulcas report further, “From what I understood, there were three males together with one female in an unnaturally small enclosed area. And with Hati in its prime, thrust together in an unnaturally tiny area, you would get heightened competition and a displaced aggression. Hati had no natural outlet for its aggression. And he has been hardwired to defend and command a territory. Stacey was obviously no match for a 300-pound killing machine that was placed in this unnatural environment.”
The transcript of this conversation with Lorne Sulcas can be found in CNN’s archives.
Lorne Sulcas’ Success Lessons from Africa’s 3 Great Cats
“After several years of research on the big cats in the area, I could saw so clearly how much there was to learn about success and winning from how animals in the wild have been surviving massive change, competition and challenges for millennia,” said top motivational speaker and wildlife expert Lorne Sulcas.
His journey from the bushveld to business is one of, as everyone thought, being crazy enough to follow an overwhelming passion after he left a stable career in the corporate world to become a game ranger-guide at Sabi Sabi in the Greater Kruger National Park.
Today Lorne Sulcas is helping organizations pursuing excellence by sharing his passion, his experiences, his internationally award-winning photos, and his message in his keynote presentations on the powerful success lessons from Africa’s 3 big cats. You can read some extracts of the lessons learned from the oldest, most successful marketplace, Nature. Find it here.
Lessons in success from Africa’s 3 great cats.
Team-building Sport Summit
Team-building skills: CONQA Elite Sport is helping teams and coaches achieve success. This year at their Sport Summit, 320 of the most talented sports practitioners from elite sport came together in Cape Town where Lorne Sulcas, better known as The Big Cat Guy, delivered a keynote on what it takes to be an exceptional team.
Daniel Gallan wrote an article about this keynote here:
Team-building representatives at the Sport Summit
Justin Woolford, CEO, CONQA Sport
Tracey Veivers, Head Psychologist, Brisbane Lions
Grant Downie, Head of Performance – Academy, Manchester City FC
Capt. Tom Chaby, Executive Officer, US Navy SEALs
Andy Harrison, Programme Director, British Cycling
Download the Conference Event Program here for more information about the event.
Business Lessons from the Bush
Business Lessons for Leaders: Vistage, a world leader as an international CEO development organization have put together a neat summary of my talk about on how to remain resilient in a fiercely challenging and competitive world.
The animal kingdom’s territory is a dangerous place. And for animals to survive, they have to understand how the smallest difference can have the biggest of consequences. Survivors are always awake and ready to act.
Business Lessons from the leopard: One of the many powerful success lessons from Africa’s Big Cats is how to survive brutal competition through innovation. Being in brutal competition with the much more powerful hyena and lion, the leopard exhibits its strength as an extremely versatile hunter. This adaptability allows the leopard to come up with innovative hunting strategies in response to the conditions in which it finds itself. The business landscape in which we find ourselves will change. That’s a given and if we’re reacting, we’re too late. Like the leopard, we need to be prepared, and nimble enough to navigate into any business terrain.
Business Lessons from the cheetah: The cheetah is diurnal, incredibly fast but not muscular and has limited stamina. It has a very selective target orientation and conserves energy to ensure optimum performance. The cheetah is known to be an excellent teacher to its cubs. With adequate training and development, It enables its cubs to develop the skills required for survival, clear goal orientation, awareness of the competition and predatory opposition.
Business Lessons from the lion: The lion is large, very strong and totally team oriented. They hunt large targets and their success as teams depend on role clarity and confidence in each other’s performance. Lions are known to be committed, caring and find their success in being affectionate and unified teams. Every member of the team contributes to the agreed goal and each member shares n the loss or reward. A pride does not tolerate weak or poor performers. Performance appraisal, trust, and confidence are key factors in making winning teams. And the weak? They are eliminated.
The leopard’s resilience, the cheetah’s vision, and leadership, and the lion’s uncommon teamwork and synergy are only some of Business Lessons you will get to learn from these three big cats.
With Lorne’s qualifications in both human and animal behavior and his experience as a leadership trainer and management consultant, he explains what leaders need to do in a highly competitive environment to implement the best thought through winning strategies.
Lorne brings an unbeatable success message to his audience with his real animal stories and opens a wonder-world that exceeds your wildest expectations. His stories are real stories with real solutions.
Read more about it here:
Business Lessons from the Bush: Wisdom from the Big Cats
Oprah Magazine: Success Lessons from Africa’s Big Cats
Oprah Magazine featured an article about Top Motivational Speaker Lorne Sulcas’ Business Success Lessons from Africa’s Big Cats and gave a short summary of leadership qualities portrayed by the Lion, the Leopard and the Cheetah and what we can learn from these three big cats.
The article can be downloaded here:
High Performance & Sustainable Growth
Sustaining Growth and High Performance – How Organizations Do It
“I help organizations in sustaining growth and high performance in the face of massive challenges, change and competition.”
Lorne Sulcas, The Big Cat Guy and Top Motivational Keynote Speaker, in his interview on Radio2000 with radio personality Ernest Pillay, speaks about wildlife photography and nature conservation and how this, in the end, lead to his speaking career. Pillay is one of the founding members of Kaya FM, the first independent black radio station where he hosted the Afternoon Drive show. He now also serves as a board member of the DMASA, a financial service group which specializes in asset management, insurance, and retirement fund administration.
Or just listen to the audio clip here
Professional Keynote Speaker Big Cat Guy at RSIC 2017
RSIC Professional Keynote Speaker: Big Cat Guy & Graça Machel address inquisitive young minds
I’m humbled that being a professional keynote speaker puts me alongside some great people every day. I shared the platform as conference keynote speaker with Graça Machel at the 2017 Round Square International Conference in Cape Town this week, and after my keynote, I had the privilege of sitting next to Her Majesty Queen Anne Marie at lunch with some of the student delegates from around the world. Well, you can imagine the conversation at the lunch table…?! 🙂
Graça Machel is universally known for being a freedom fighter for Africa, a champion for the upliftment of this great continent and all of its people. She married the first President of independent Mozambique, Samora Machel. Years later and after the death of her first husband, she would become the only woman in the world to have been married to two presidents when she wed President Nelson Mandela from South Africa.
His Majesty King Constantine II of Greece officially opened the conference
Having Graça Machel on the programme was just one example of the spectacular scale and standard of this 2017 Round Square International Conference. The agenda this year was incredible and really showcased how fantastic this organization is and the marvelous, truly world-changing work it’s doing and future leaders it’s producing. A large percentage of the approximately 1400 audience members was Grade 11 students from 150 schools around the world. The President of Round Square International is His Majesty King Constantine II of Greece, who officially opened the conference, followed by a spectacular opening ceremony. And so, it was a huge honor to also have the King and his wife, Her Majesty Queen Anne Marie, in the audience. What was really cool, as I have mentioned here, was to see the sponge-like curiosity and enthusiasm of these fresh young minds!
International schools represented at this conference were:
- Box Hill School
- Keystone Academy, Beijing
- Him Academy Public School
- Amman Baccalaureate School
- Ivanhoe Grammar School
- Stanford Lake College
- Ballarat Grammar School
- The Armidale School
- Scotch College
- Buckingham Browne and Nichols
- Woodleigh School
- Samworth Church Academy
- Gordonstoun
- Bermuda High School
- Inter-Community School
- Colegio Los Nogales
And the list wouldn’t be complete without a huge shout-out to the three Western Cape Schools who hosted and organized this massive international event: St. Cyprian’s, St. George’s Grammar School and Bridge House. A hearty congratulations for an unbelievable conference!
Keynote to London Business Leaders
Recently, Top Motivational Speaker Lorne Sulcas, also know as The Big Cat Guy delivered his Thriving in a Wild World™ keynote in London, where 120 Influential Business Leaders and top sports coaches from across the UK attended the CONQA London Leadership Summit.
Business Leaders who have been seen here
Simon Hill, Head of UK & Ireland Channels, ORACLE
Gary Noesner, Chief Negotiator, Federal Bureau of Invetigation (FBI)
Eva Bishop, Associate General Counsel, Downstream & Shipping, BP
Max Koep, Managing Director, CEEMA & LATAM, Deutsche Bank
Kate Matthews, Head of Leadership & Executive Development, Citi Group
Stuart Lancaster, Head Coach, Leinster Rugby
Simon Miles, Global Customer Director, Coca-Cola
Justin Woolford, Chief Executive Officer, CONQA
Business Leaders representing these Organizations
Anheuser-Busch InBev
HSBC Holdings PLC.
Aon plc (NYSE:AON).
Everton F.C.
FA Cup.
Goldman Sachs.
Bank BNP Paribas
McLaren Applied Technologies
Citi Croup
Manchester City FC
Thomson Reuters
Cape Town Storytellers Inspire at The One&Only
Top Cape Town Motivational Speaker Lorne Sulcas inspires at the One&Only
A series of talks by some of South Africa’s most inspiring and top motivational speakers were hosted by the One&Only Hotel. Amongst them was Lorne Sulcas. Lorne is a Cape Town Motivational Speaker, better known as the Big Cat Guy.
These talks included storytellers and motivational speakers who achieved the impossible and inspired others to do the same. Top Motivational Speaker Lorne Sulcas was a sought-after leadership trainer in the concrete jungle. He spent almost a decade tracking Africa’s Big Cats as a game ranger in the real jungle.
Lorne has won international awards for his wild-life photos. It is a huge privilege to be entertained by Lorne’s photography during his inspirational talks. You get to see breathtakingly beautiful photos on a big screen. Lorne’s photos are mainly of Africa’s three big cats, the leopard, the lion, and the cheetah. These are the type of photos that are rare to see and adds to an amazing experience during his talks.
Lorne draws parallels between the big cat behavior and human behavior. He shares potent lessons from these super-predators that have been thriving for millennia in the face of change and competition.
How motivational speakers contribute to your company’s success
Lorne believes that, for companies to become great, they will first have to invest in the growth of their people. Lorne believes the same is true when he delivers his message. “The success of your event is directly related to the energy, motivation, excitement, and knowledge your delegates will harness,” says Lorne.
Lorne is known as one of those inspirational speakers who is always talked about long after his presentation. His captivating stories and award-winning photos will pierce your audiences’ hearts. His inspiration will stay with your audience forever. His message moves people to act.
Cape Town Keynote Speaker Lorne Sulcas’ Message
Lorne’s keynotes are one-of-a-kind. Lorne reveals to your audience the age-old proven secrets of success about Africa’s three big cats. Lorne addresses the key survival skills companies need to thrive in a wild world. Lorne will show you:
- How these big cats sustain growth and exceptional results and why you should too
- How these cats are resilient in the face of inevitable change and why your company need this to survive and remain sustainable
- How these cats display truly exceptional teamwork and how this makes them thriving for millennia in the face of change and competition. How strong are your teams? What are your weaknesses? This is what any company need to know, right?
- Yes, these big cats are amazing examples of potent leadership, innovation, and opportunity. Leadership requires constant growth. How does your company need to grow?
- How these cats get and maintain their competitive advantage. Who is your competition? How well do you know your competition? Do you know what you need to do to always stay one step ahead?
“Because there’s no excuse for mediocre.”
Lorne’s Motivational Speech to the Public was a Rare Event
This event attracted wide interest. Lorne delivers his talks 99% of the time to companies and big corporates only. This is why public members saw this as a unique chance not to be missed. It was, in particular, evident when additional chairs had to be carried into the venue before Lorne’s speech.
The One&Only in Cape Town is one of South Africa’s most vibrant and urbane resorts. You will find it in the heart of the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront.
In the News
Cape Town Magazine, TownCoZa, IOL, and What’s On Johannesburg. These were only a few who listed this magnificent event as something not to be missed.
What contributed towards Lorne developing his Exceptional Inspirational Talks?
Lorne also worked for Franklin-Covey (SA) as a trainer of their Seven Habits of Highly Effective People® program. He also founded his Feel Moved Enterprises company. Under this, he developed, marketed and distributed across the world a very successful range of humorous greeting cards. On these cards, he uses his own photographs of African wildlife.
Lorne’s Journey towards becoming a Trusted Motivational Speaker
Today, Lorne is an extraordinary expert; renowned professional; a ‘cat’-alyst; Lorne is a Trusted Motivational Speaker. He is also a Conference Keynote Speaker to CEO’s and Event Planners. Around the planet.
Today, his clients include organizational giants on five continents. These include companies such as 3M, Bank One, and Rolls Royce. He has spoken on the world’s biggest stages. He appears on CNN.
More about what Lorne’s talks are about can be found here. See how The Big Cat Guy does storytelling at the Momentum Annual Conference, Sun City Superbowl.
I’ve heard the best keynote speakers in the world and Lorne’s presentation was World-Class! A masterclass in professional speaking!
Today I had the great pleasure of hearing Lorne’s motivational speech. He was an amazing storyteller. Truly captivating! I loved seeing the pictures and hearing the detailed stories about how he applies what he knows as a gamekeeper to business. I never thought that there would be a connection but it was really inspirational and really connected to me. I’ve definitely taken away some lessons that I’m going to apply to my business, which is pretty fabulous!
We do a lot of conferences every year,… in the US, Europe and South America, What I loved about Lorne’s presentation today, it was different and it was really exciting. Lorne was probably the best motivational speaker I’ve ever seen. We see a lot of these and the keynotes are just typically snoozefest and they’re really boring. But this was fantastic. I was texting my colleagues about how great it was during the presentation. It was absolutely incredible!
Wow! I’ve just sat in on Lorne’s motivational speech. Oh my word, it was awesome! The way that he actually brings in the big cats and the behaviors to the wild world that we live in is simply incredible! You can absolutely see where we battle and how we can actually learn from those amazing animals and the amazing cats. Lorne, you’re a master!
Lorne Sulcas - The Big Cat Guy